Friday 13 February 2009


3 response



   其实吉格斯上半场的表现并不好:第9分钟贝巴在中路一脚精妙的直塞将球交给右路插上的吉格斯,但后者在禁区内面对厄普森的倒地防守却失去了章法,本来轻 松的一扣就能将对方晃开,但吉格斯却选择继续向前趟球,结果厄普森轻易将球断掉。整个上半场,吉格斯只有1脚射门,而且他的传球也只有较低的18次。



   下半场吉格斯的数据也并不出彩:他的射门只是增加了1次,但就是这1次射门,却给球队带来了关键的3分。比赛第62分钟时,曼联获得前场左侧角球,吉格 斯将球开到禁区内被对方球员抢先解围,斯科尔斯在外围得球后马上又转移给吉格斯,后者连续扣过对方两名球员的防守后起脚射门,皮球绕过格林钻入球门右侧, 这是威尔士老将本赛季打进的首粒联赛进球。



  ESPN称赞道:“吉格斯的进球让曼联重返榜首。 ”《欧洲足球》网站同样对他不吝溢美之词:“魔术师吉格斯让曼联重回联赛榜首。”《进球网》赞美威尔士人:“吉格斯的进球帮助曼联击败西汉姆。” 《setanta体育》网站跟《欧洲足球》的观点类似:“吉格斯魔术师般的表演让曼联本赛季第10次1球小胜对手。”该网站给吉格斯打出了全场最高的8 分,《天空体育》同样给曼联老将打出了8分:“超级表现。”



  本赛季吉格斯已经在联赛中出场 18次(其中9次替补),不过今天却是他首次在联赛中进球。其实进球一直都不是吉格斯的强项,自从2001-02赛季以来,他在联赛中单赛季的进球数分别 是7个、8个、7个、6个、2个、4个和3个,本赛季到目前只有今天这1个。考虑到现在的吉格斯已经超过35岁,因此弗格森更看重的是他在场上的经验,而 绝非超高的进球数。



  就拿本场比赛来说,吉格斯最大的贡献当然是进球,但在进球之外,却是他通 过位置变化激活了球队的进攻。上半场的比赛中,C罗固定在前场左路,而吉格斯则在右路游弋,两人在位置上没有任何变化,这让西汉姆的防守变得简单,他们只 需派专人盯住吉格斯和C罗即可,曼联也因此而失去了飞翔的翅膀。



  但下半场吉格斯却开始有意识 的跟C罗交叉换位,比赛中他几次转移到左路,这也让C罗可以更多的尝试在右路和中路活动,西汉姆的后防线因此经常出现盯人上的失误,譬如吉格斯的这个进 球,就是他在左路连续晃开对方两名球员的防守后打进的,当时西汉姆这一侧的球员本来主要盯防的是C罗,但吉格斯的突然出现让他们措手不及,两次铲球未果给 了威尔士人制造了射门的机会,曼联也借此拿到了价值千金的3分。

所以, 吉格斯是我们的模范人物, 我爱你, RYAN GIGGS, OUR SPIRITS,红魔的中流砥柱

Thursday 15 January 2009

0 response
De afbeelding “” kan niet worden weergegeven, omdat hij fouten bevat.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

0 response

Monday 29 December 2008

0 response
• Fergie worried over wasteful United

The Bulgarian volleyed home from close range in the 69th minute after Michael Carrick's left-wing cross had bounced back off Boro defender David Wheater.

Berbatov, who replaced Boxing Day's match-winner at Stoke Carlos Tevez after he returned to Argentina on a ''family issue'', was one of the guilty culprits in the first hour of the match.

But he was not the only one with Wayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael, Nemanja Vidic and Ji-sung Park all squandering chances against a determined Middlesbrough side.

Thursday 27 September 2007

0 response
iHeadquarter can serve as
any purpose or
any purpose's headquarter , particularrly ,
--corporate--officing-- or

some handsome dictionaries
_including_The_American_Heritage_Dictionary_ say that
`````headquarter"""" 's the [100%] valid verb , hence
`````iHeadquarter"""" can also b[be] interpreted as
````` I headquarter[verb] """"

v'r the native Chinese-languages speakers
v[we] can guarantee % that
east Asian languages
e.g. all Chinese languages + Japanese language
e.t.c. have n'o[no] concept of plural in their grammars ,
i.e. ,
the people o'[of] Chineses or Japaneses or
other east Asians e.t.c.
'd[would] always naturally + straightly
type in or write in or speak out
`````headquarter"""" instead of
`````headquarters"""" in expressin' out
the idea of the singular noun
just until very latestly then i could realise that
English word 2[to] express the idea of singular noun
`````headquarter"""" should b[be] **very_unExpectedly**
`````headquarters"""" ;--^),
but ,
my own English competency 's[has] been being
not that 2[too] bad

many westerners +
internationnal big-behemoth-like companies
do also commit 'the same above-mentionned ``mistake""
e.g. : :::::
Results 1 - 100 of about 4,130,000 for headquarter [definition]
[[ searching at hktime 2007-09-27 16;00 ]]
e.g. : :::::
+ 2[too] many further examples 2[to] list all here

i********** naming , i.e. ,
the naming in the pattern of i**********
may have been becoming the grand trend ,
or even the flashy fashion
proof : :::::
look n'o[no] further
just look at the SUXess i.e. SUCKSess i.e. success
of iPhone of Apple
indeed indeep ,
the names of almost all series of products of Apple
'r all in the pattern of i********** ,
e.g. iMac , iWeb , iPhone , e.t.c.
Steve Jobs e.t.c. seem2b[seem-to-be] bent on i*-naming ,
its[it's] rumoured[rumored] that
Steve Jobs e.t.c. were so given 2[to] i*-naming that
Steve Jobs e.t.c. have preferred paying U$ millions
in buyin' 4[for] their
on an other hand , 's[has] already been registerred by some1 else
@ year 199x , much earlier than the birth of iPhone ,
do u[you] think that
at the time of naming 'the upcoming Apple's phoning product
as `````iPhone""""
Steve Jobs e.t.c. not already know that embarassing fact ??
but ,
Steve Jobs e.t.c. do still go on with the brand ``iPhone""
there may b[be] somethings or mystery things in i*naming
look !! ,
with its i********* products ,
Apple's share's price 's[has] been rising
from- U$ xx.00
2[to] U$ 1xx.00 up2now
if , u[you] own a i*********.com ,
then ,
perhaps , sooner or later ,
Steve Jobs e.t.c. or some1 else 'd reach u[you] 2[to] buy it,
just as the success story of 'the previous owner o'[of]


Tuesday 25 September 2007

0 response
wikipedia , besides the standard article 4[for] grand tourers , ,
wikipedia does also have a category 4[for] grand tourers , ,
currently 2007-09-23 there'r 55 articles there

Honda 's[has] it 2[too] ,
________________________________________________________________ , on an other hand ,
can b[be] used in its originnal sense,
`````TOURistic"""" ,
because : :::::::::
according ,
TOURer =

3 response
Supertourer-the-word 's the generic word , proof : ---------->

[[[[ 's the super shopping comparison site in German ]]]]]
Supertourer unter den Motorrädern sind
die schwersten und größten Maschinen.
Besonders beliebt sind Supertourer von BMW, Honda, Kawasaki und Yamaha.

my own 100.000 % literral translation : :::::
supertourer[[=supertourers@here]] among-the-motorbikes are
the heaviest and biggest machines[[=kind-of-those-machines]] ,
particularrly popular are the supertourer[[=supertourers@here]]
from BMW , Honda , Kawasaki , and , Yamaha

'the translation from google : :::::

some big auto-manufacturers do even incorporate
`````Supertourer""""" this word
in 2[to] the offical brand-names of their products ,
e.g. : :::::
Audi A4 Super Tourer ....
BMW 3-Series Super Tourer ....
Ford Mondeo Super Tourer ....
Honda Accord Type-R Super Tourer ....
Honda-VF-750-S-SuperTourer ......
Hyundai Lantra Super Tourer ....
Nissan Primera Super Tourer ....
Peugeot 406 Super Tourer ....
Renault Laguna Super Tourer ....
Vauxhall Vectra Super Tourer ....
Volvo S40 Super Tourer ....
Kawasaki Supertourer ....
e.t.c. .........
________________________________________________________________ , on an other hand , can b[be] used in its originnal sense,
`````TOURistic"""" ,
because : :::::::::
according ,
TOURer =