Sunday 1 July 2007

`` Alta Vista '' n[and] `` alta vista ''
My Dear Sir Aaron Wall says : :::::
>> SEO Question:
>> Do domain names play a role in SEO?
>> Do search engines understand that
>> the words are in the URL
>> even if they are ran together
>> without hyphens in between them?
ever since 199x ,
Alta Vista have since the very beginning understood the differrence between the terms
`` Alta Vista '' this SE company n[and]
`` alta vista '' this dictionnary's word ,
yahoo bought up Alta Vista ,
there4 ,
any1 still guestimate that yahoo not get this point ??
any1 still guestimate that google not get this point ??

update : :::::
my point's that : :
if ....
u submit rather than ,
then ,
u'd[you-would] still b[be] worried that google couldnt get 'the idea ??
cheers2w , ThANKye

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