Thursday, 21 June 2007

a 1-time's ad in a trade's magazine , U$1x,000 , with-out any guarantee

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June 20, 2007
A Million Domain Name Stories in this Naked City

Vern runs into guy attending the TRAFFIC domain convention in New York City who paid the price of admission solely in the hope of running into the gent from the Cayman Islands who owns three domains he wants to buy (said owner won't reply to his calls and emails for the names in question.. presumably because they're not in the business of selling their domain names or get lots of similar inquiries).

I'm not trying to make light of this gent's situation, but this post is to illustrate the unbelievable latent value in high quality generic domain names in 2007 and the gravity of the opportunity still remaining on the table. You might have sold these names yesterday for $5000 - $10000 each and click your heels at your good fortune, having paid just $60 to acquire them several years ago. This guy spent $2500 plus travel, local transport, hotels, meals (not including his time) just for the opportunity to discuss a purchase or partnership; without guarantee of a payback.

Compare these names (which don't get huge traffic or goto apart, but which represent a niche product or industry) to taking a full page ad in that industry's leading trade magazine for $10,000-$15,000, for one insertion, for [[[[[[[[[only]]]]]]]]]one month's issue, without any guarantee of "real readership" through circulation and without a parting-gift. Think about those things next time you say generic secondary market domain names are expensive.

The opportunities ahead for generic name registrants and website developers are mind-boggling.

Posted at 09:02 PM in Domain Names (Domains)

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Count another one who made the trip to meet with me for a name. With time I think we will see allot more of that.
Posted by: Sahar Sarid June 21, 2007 at 02:22 AM

Excellent example of the inmense advantage of purchasing an "industry specific" gTLD over the comparable cost of a "one-time", major publication, ad-space purchase! A similar valid comparison could be applied to the exuberant cost of a "one-time" ad agency project. A short, descriptive and memorable "industry specific" gTLD simply blows it away!
Posted by: Sumbini June 21, 2007 at 03:01 AM

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the best type o' keysword[keyword] searching/surfing via url's bar

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Cool Domain Browser Shortcut
By Red Thunder June 21, 2007 - 12:21 pm - Posted in Domain Tips & Tricks

everyone and their brother may already know this shortcut, but for those of you who don’t..

when you type a domain name into your browser address bar, there’s a shortcut which allows you to skip typing in www or even the .com / .net / or .org extension..

check it out..

type a word into the address bar, then hold down the Ctrl button and press enter…voila, the http://www and .com are magically appended…

now, type a word and hold down the Shift button and press enter … voila, the .net extension is appended..

if you hold down Ctrl+Shift and press enter, the .org extension gets added..

I was aware of the .com shortcut years ago, and sortof forgot it. As I was researching some names this past week, I found myself heavily leaning on it, and man it saved me about an hour over the course of the day..

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This entry was posted on Thursday, June 21st, 2007 at 12:21 pm and is filed under Domain Tips & Tricks.
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1 Comment

June 21, 2007 @ 1:26 pm
when I tried it with ‘cookies’, it redirected to Same when i typed ‘bras’, redirected to Do you know why this would happen?
***Domainer’s Gazette***- the owner of is simply forwarding all type-in traffic to same goes from You can have this setting placed at your registrar, not a hard thing to do..
Posted by Barbara

June 21, 2007 @ 4:21 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
hi greeting ’s
where your good really good post should b posted n boasted , ThANKs;–^),
Posted by


[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
in my posts ,
``keysword'' = ``keyword'' ,
``keysboard'' = ``keyboard'' , e.t.c. ,
sorry4inconveniency , ThANKye

[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
by the way ,
in case of the shortcut 4[for] .com ,
the sweeter ’s : :::::
@ the ordinary keysboards[keyboards] ,
the key ``ctrl” sits just under the key ``enter” save[except] the key ``fn” ,
there4 ,
really very easy2spot out ,
if , u b[be] familiar with the arrangement of the ordinary keysboard[keysboard] ,
then ,
when u were to press the key``enter'' n[and] the key ``ctrl''
@ the same time
w/ the same right hand
u might even not need to look at that keysboard[keyboard] ,
1 more convenience
+ ,
once u have enterred your keysword in2 the url’s bar ,
then u can press the key ``enter” n the key ``ctrl”
@/ the same time
w/ the same right hand ,;–^),
i.e. ,
the virtual keysword searching//surfing via the url’s bar ,
inputting ``” results in loading out ‘the destination site faster than just
inputting ``” , but ,
inputting ``” loads out the fastest of course ,
if your keysword 's already itself ``'' ,
then ,
pressing the key ``enter” n the key ``ctrl” @ the same time

your inputting in2 url's bar the ``''
does also produce all those same effects as above-mentionned ,
i.e. ,
'the result will b[be] the same
``'' ,

understand my [so-called] English ?;--^),

a survey by the Affiliate Marketing Association, a Tokyo-based nonprofit

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Internet Marketing Thursday, June 7, 2007

Web Affiliate Programs Not Quite A Cash Cow

An Internet marketing business known as affiliate programs have become popular among individuals as an apparently easy means of making money...

An Internet marketing business known as affiliate programs have become popular among individuals as an apparently easy means of making money. Problems of fraud connected with the practice, however, are spreading.

An affiliate program is a performance-based advertisement business in which individuals carry advertisements for goods and services on their Web sites or blogs. If visitors to the sites purchase goods after accessing it through the ad, the owner of the Web site or blog receives a commission.

The scheme has become popular because it is easy to set up at home. There have been reports of problems, however, including cases in which people have lost large amounts of money after being given promises of easy cash.

A 40-year-old woman working for a mail-order firm in Minato Ward, Tokyo, has used an affiliate program for about a year.

She sometimes recommends her favorite cosmetics on her blog, along with advertisements for the products. If a visitor clicks on the link, the visitor is guided to other sites selling the products online.

If the visitor makes a purchase, a percentage of the sale is paid to the woman in commission.

"I have earned several tens of thousands of yen on average a month. It is attractive as a side business," she said.

A common method of getting started in an affiliate program is by registering with an affiliate service provider, who acts as an intermediary between individuals with Web sites or blogs and companies wanting to place advertisements on the Internet.

Through the provider, individuals with Web sites or blogs may choose companies for whom they would like to offer advertising space and procure graphics and other relevant data for their sites.

Commission payments of up to more than 10 percent of sales are on offer.

Anybody with a computer connected to the Internet can start the business, even at home. The growing popularity of affiliate programs among housewives, some of whom earn hundreds of thousands of yen a month, has raised its profile as a means of making extra money.

According to Yano Research Institute, a Tokyo-based economic research company, the market for affiliate programs was about 3.6 billion yen in fiscal 2002. This surged to about 31.4 billion yen in fiscal 2005 and is predicted to exceed 100 billion yen in fiscal 2008.

However, only a small number of the affiliates seem to have earned a satisfactory income from the program, according to a survey by the Affiliate Marketing Association, a Tokyo-based nonprofit organization.

The survey in 2005 of about 540 affiliate program users showed that about 43 percent reported they had earned less than 1,000 yen a month from the program. This was followed by about 27 percent who said they had made no money from the program. Only about 10 percent said they had pocketed 5,000 yen or more.

There also have been program users who made exaggerated claims in blogs, hoping they would stimulate interest in the products advertised on their sites.

The Japan Affiliate Service Kyokai, a Tokyo-based industry association of affiliate program operators, last year drew up guidelines to prevent mishaps.

In other cases, Net users lost money after being solicited by racketeers who told them they would be able to make big money easily.

A female company employee in her 30s in Nara Prefecture was contacted by telephone in October, and told that she would be able to earn at least 70,000 yen a month. The caller said she had to pay a 600,000 yen registration fee, but she lost contact with the caller shortly after transferring the money to a designated bank account.

The Tokyo metropolitan government's consumer consultation center said it has received about 40 complaints about affiliate programs since fiscal 2005.

"Some people were required to pay about 400,000 yen for training or forced to buy software costing about 900,000 yen," an official at the center said. "We recommend that people who want to start affiliate programs check very carefully when they sign a contract for a large amount of money."

