Sunday, 1 July 2007

Synergy Between A Generic Domain & Keysword[Keyword] Based Search Engine Optimization Strategies

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[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
SEObook 's 1 of the top SEO experts ,
please dont
trust us , browse yourselves ,
trust your own eyes , ThANKye,2w

Synergy Between Domain Names & Keyword Based Search Engine Optimization Strategies
28 [[2007]]


Over time the role of the domain name as an SEO tool has changed,
but currently I think
they carry a lot of weight for the associated exact match search.
Depending on how they are leveraged going forward they may or may not
continue to be a strong signal of quality to search engines

Domain Names & Link Anchor Text

When I first got in the SEO game
a good domain name was valuable
because if you got the exact keywords you wanted to rank for in your name
it made it easier to get anchor text related to what you wanted to rank for.
For example,
being made it easier for me to rank for
seo book and seo.
That link still exists, but nowhere near as strongly or broadly as it once did.


Domain Names in Action

As Google started getting more aggressive at filtering anchor text,
they started placing
more weight on the domain name if the domain name exactly matched the keyword search query.
They had to do this
they were filtering out too many brands for the search query attached to their brand.
Some examples of how this works:
At one point,
about 2 years back, stopped ranking for seo book
due to a wonky filter
that also prevented Paypal for ranking for their own name for a little bit.
A friend recently 301 redirected a scholarship site on a bad URL to College
The site's ranking for the exact phrase college scholarships went from 100+ to top 20 in Google.
But, it still is a long way from #1, and it still is at 100+ for college scholarship (singular). In competitive industries you need a lot of links to compete, and the redirect also caused the site to slip a bit for some of the other target keyword phrases that the site used to rank for.

When you launch a new site on a domain name like
and get it a few trusted links
it should
almost immediately rank for mykeywordphrase.

A friend launched Online Nursing about a week ago.
That site ranks #1 in Google
right now for those keywords ran together OnlineNursingDegrees.
That site also just ranked #118 in Google for the phrase Online Nursing Degrees.
As the site ages and gets more links it should be easier to rank for that exact phrase
(but that domain probably wouldn't help its rankings much for stuff like nurse degree).

My domain name
ranked better than it should have
for the query search engine history
when its only real signs of trust were
age and domain name.
It was nowhere in the rankings for just about any other query.


The search traffic trends are moving toward consolidating traffic
onto the largest high authority sites,
it probably is not a good idea to have 100 deep niche domain names like,,,, etc
you can cover a lot of those topics with a singular broad domain
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor plugs in shamelessly ;--^),: :::::
the term
```` hair plantation """"" or
```` hair restoration """"" or
```` hairloss treatments """"" or
's a subtopic o'[of]
```` hairy """"" or
```` to become hairy """"" e.t.c.
thence , our
Hairy may b[be] benefitted in the way just-above-mentionned by SEObook


For local businesses
a keyword matching domain might be
a way around paying to list
in all the regional directories and other related arbitrage plays
Domains that use familiar language and sound credible also have a
that helps build trust, make the information seem
more credible,
easier to link at,
easier to syndicate, and
easier to do business with.
It is hard to estimate the value of that
since much of it is indirect, and
few have measured the affect of domain name on linkability or clickability of a listing outside
of paid search arbitrage.
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
````resonance""""" =
```` words of mouths """"" here

Posted in: Q & A seo tips

by Aaron Wall

Your Thoughts?

June 28, 2007


What about situations where the keywords are all there but in reverse order.
For example: or whatever? Would these domains work better with a hyphen?
Hawaii SEO on June 29, 2007 04:28 AM

Yeah. I was always wondering about hyphens as well.
It is a sign
that domain name is not that expensive
and lower chance of having a good content on it
Google could count a less weight on it
but it is just my speculation.
Janusz on June 29, 2007 04:31 AM

I buy keyword domain names for creating quick niche sites
and they always rank quickly.
Number 1 in less than 24 hours was a standard assumption a while back
i think you are right in what you are saying.
My own methods are failing me slowly as Google home in on yet another loophole in their algo.
I have been penalised recently for anchor text so
I can confirm what you are saying is definately happening right now.
stu foster on June 29, 2007 04:49 AM

Whether or not a hyphenated name works in the engines
- have you ever tried
giving someone the URL over the phone?
If its a Real Site, not just something spammy for the engines,
avoid hyphens,
citing the 'phone test'
Lea de Groot on June 29, 2007 06:14 AM


How about That ranks right?
I still default to using keyword laden domains for new or young sites
I have definitely seen
how much easier it is to get ranked in the short term.
Aaron's domain is a good balance between brand and keyword.
I doubt people are searching for "seo book" unless they already had heard the name.
the domain gives something noteworthy for others
because it stays in your head.
David Kubicka on June 29, 2007 01:11 PM

I still prefer to have an easy to remember and brandable domain name.
Even if I lose some SEO edge.
Hamlet Batista on June 29, 2007 03:43 PM


domain names carries sooo much weight.
(too much weight)
Take a look at "image hosting"
Guess who is rank #1?

not flickr,
not photobucket.
I used to rank #2 ( for "image hosting"
If Aaron had a different domain for the SEOBook,
he "probably" would not have #1 ranking for "SEO Book"
Maybe or maybe not.
That is how important domain name is to SEO.
Mike on June 30, 2007 12:45 AM

Strategic Keyphrase Location Based Top Level Properties are PriceLess.
Your Company is judged by your domain.
dashes hyphens only weakens your credibility.
using a .us youll always be looking up at the stars
and wondering
how many people are going to the most credible domain.
or if that .com address is receiving your email
by default.
.com is on the Iphone as a instant icon for linking
without typing in the .com.
A premium vertical Dot com represents prestige and
that you will most likely be around for a long time to com..
Not some late in the game flash in the pan-handler.
When sells for 300-400 million
and dowjones or nytimes starts a whole new site
what is at the core of
what they are paying for.[[?]]
We will soon see portfolios of domains sell for billions
of dollars.
On your marks get set. Game over for most.
steven emery on June 30, 2007 01:41 AM


some relevantest url : :

`` Alta Vista '' n[and] `` alta vista ''

0 response
My Dear Sir Aaron Wall says : :::::
>> SEO Question:
>> Do domain names play a role in SEO?
>> Do search engines understand that
>> the words are in the URL
>> even if they are ran together
>> without hyphens in between them?
ever since 199x ,
Alta Vista have since the very beginning understood the differrence between the terms
`` Alta Vista '' this SE company n[and]
`` alta vista '' this dictionnary's word ,
yahoo bought up Alta Vista ,
there4 ,
any1 still guestimate that yahoo not get this point ??
any1 still guestimate that google not get this point ??

update : :::::
my point's that : :
if ....
u submit rather than ,
then ,
u'd[you-would] still b[be] worried that google couldnt get 'the idea ??
cheers2w , ThANKye

a generic domain should b[be] broad enough to allow 4[for] growth

0 response
All things considered what we are trying to achieve is a website domain name that
[[--]] adequately describes your product or service,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
if ....
any product or service or company
's2look4[is-to-look-for] its best domain name ,
then ,
our Hairy may b[be] that best domain
[[--]] is broad enough to allow for some growth and scope in product or service,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
the word ````hairy""""" is so broad enough , that ,
every1 who-cares-for-being-hairy-or-looking-like-hairy does also
care for their own beauty ,
looking for other beauty-related products//services
[[--]] is simple enough for a person to recall and contains your most important keywords/phrases.
