hi greeting ThANKing ,
4[for] u[you] 2[to] eyewitness the traffic statistics of 'the property ,
please go
http://smatch.com or
http://sMatch.com ;--^), then ,
look 4[for] link which reads : :::::
```` This domain may be for sale by its owner! '''''
click in , then , voila , here u'r , u'll get that stats ,
A-CONCEPT :----->>
smatch this word is a dictionary's word ,
easy-to-b-rememberred-in- +
easy-to-b-recalled-out- 4[for] human memory ,
>>>> Smatch
>>>> 1. n. Taste; tincture; smack.
>>>> 2. v. i. To smack. ,
sMatch.com 's suitable to b' the domain
4[for] companies or even whole industries
which'r concerned with any food or drink e.t.c. : :::::
: :::::
** wine*
** wine tasting [[[[[[[[[e.t.c.]]]]]]]]]
** food tasting '' ''
** food* '' ''
** finedine '' ''
** finefood '' ''
** finefruit '' ''
** finewine '' ''
** finedrinks '' ''
** cooking '' ''
** cooking teaching '' ''
** cooking schools '' ''
** cooking* '' ''
** caterring '' ''
** bars '' ''
** bartenders '' ''
** bartending '' ''
** bar* '' ''
** pubs '' ''
** hotel* '' ''
** hostel* '' ''
** resort* '' ''
** restaurant* '' ''
** restaurants '' ''
** restaurants tours '' ''
** restaurants views '' ''
** restaurants reviews '' ''
** restaurants previews '' ''
** restaurants interviews '' ''
** sweetmeat or confectionnaries or conditories or chocolates '' ''
[[[[[[[[[ too many2list all here ]]]]]]]]] ,
B-CONCEPT :----->>
because : ::::
the main component o'[of]
````sMatch''''' this word is
````Match''''' this word ,
therefore : :::::
sMatch.com 's own traffics of natural-type-in 's mainly
concerned with
love Matching or
love Match or
'the relevant documentation :----->
sMatch.com 's been being parked @
'the[that] current parking co for quite a good[=long] time ,
according the official graphic
officially released by 'the[that] current parking company : :
'the most relevantest keyword-to-call-up-the-ppc-ad : :
- love
- love Match
- love Matching
- Matching
- Match
'the yearly trend of those traffics : : ^ ^ up-ward ^^
corresponding the fact of that internet's growing-n-rowing
'the monthly traffics : : 3xx - 6xx , depending which month
'the clickthroughrates: : 1x% - 2x%
in contrast ,
general ,
general banners ctr[[click-throughs-rate]]
's just only o'[of] single digit ,
's just only o'[of] single digit ,
's just only o'[of] single digit ,
's just only o'[of] single digit ,
many too many banners have the ctr well under 1%
many too many banners have the ctr well under 1% ,
therefore : :::::
sMatch can b[be] the 1-stop-shop 4[for] combination o'[of]
the above-mentionned
4example ,
afterall ,
when u date out a pretty woman(;or_man;) via a lovematch site ,
then u do need2find some real pretty
bar or
restaurant or even
resort e.t.c.
sMatch.com can b[be] used 4[for] any kind of Match : : : :
sMatch ken2play a piece o'[of]
prestigious prestigiating prestidigitation
which allmost all other DoMains cant[cannot] ,
including google or yahoo or msn e.t.c.
including google or yahoo or msn e.t.c. ,
sMatch can even provide
the foundation for launching
the kingsdom[kingdom] or kingsdoms[kingdoms]
4[for] publishing or blogging or socialnetworking
e.t.c. ,
examples : :::::::::
: :::::::::
love.sMatch.com e.t.c. <-- this stands4 lovesMatch e.t.c. talent.sMatch.com e.t.c. , partner.sMatch.com e.t.c. , **partner.sMatch.com e.t.c. , bizpartner.sMatch.com e.t.c. , sexpartner.sMatch.com e.t.c. , football.sMatch.com e.t.c. , fook.sMatch.com e.t.c. ,--^)), o k enough , ye should have gotten it ......... there4 therefor therefore : ::::: --------------------------- .1. similarrly , any # o'[of] any-name-of-any-product.sMatch.com can b[be] openned by any owner of sMatch [[[[[[[[[ freely 4[for] free ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] --------- .2. any-name-of-any-product.sMatch.com this kind of easy-memorably urls can b[be] openned 4[for] any (sub)category or 4[for] any product or industry _____________________________________________________________ following-quoted 's our answers to 1 of the potential bidders of a auction of sMatch --------------------------- the name of 'the potential bidder 's hidden , out of privacy matters , but , out of fairness , v[we] think ye should also get known of 'the answers , any query please dont hesitate2let us know , ThANKye --------------------------- >```````````
>>Thanks,can you please tell me
>>which part of that traffic is type in traffic and
>>whether if you can disclose revenue stats ?
>hi greeting n[and] ThANKing
>.1. type in ??
>all the traffics of sMatch 'r
>all type-in ,
>all type-in ,
>all type-in ,
>all type-in ,
>all type-in ,
>because : :::::
>that current parking service provider , sedo ,
>on-whom-sMatch-'s-been-being-parked-4[for]-years ,
>doesnt allow any form of traffics inflation ,
>they do just want2c[want-to-see]
>the organnic traffics o type-in ,
>this can b[be] verified out from the terms-conditions @
>their site , uknow ,
>they'r also doing brokerring .........
>v[we] have been being engaged in 2[too]
>many domains net projets
>.2. re : ::::: revenue stats ????
>due2[due-to] the fact of that revenues data
>must b[be]
>classified by any company as the sensitive
>classified data ,
>there4 .........
>but ,
>v'r considerring 2[to] let 'the cat out of 'the pack ;),
>by now , v[we] can say
>that monthly-revenues-of-sMatch 'rnt[are-not] 2[too] much
>by now ,
>but .........
>that's due2[due-to] the fact of that
>v[we] have been being engaged in 2[too]
>many domains net projets ,
>v dont even have time 2 breath or eat or sheat ;),
>v dont even have time 2 do the domain optimisation ,
>v dont even have time 2 shop around diff parking cos ,
>there4 ,
>that monthly-revenues-of-sMatch 'rnt[are-not] 2[too] much
>but .........
>once v'r released back2do the domain optimi ,
>then ,
>the revenue off of it must rise , +
>the price of it must rise correspondingly ,
>thank ye any way
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
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