Friday, 13 July 2007

```` is it Billboard memorable? '''''

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Domain Blog
Put your name on something worth keeping..

How To Find Good Generic Names


A good generic name includes the
‘Billboard Test’,
is it Billboard memorable?


A note about availablilty..

Good quality domains held by the World’s larger domainers
are certainly not for sale and
are valued well in excess of 100 times yearly revenue
These domain names are simply not for sale.
The cost of selling them far exceeds the known growth factor
so many domainers and companies are continually achieving.
Personally I have around 50 names I would never sell
due to either future potential, names sake or
the fact
the domains will attract so much search traffic
if developed correctly


SeoDomaining [Seo+Domaining] = WIN WIN WIN !!!!!!

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Bridging the gap between SEO + Domainer
Thursday, July 5, 2007

I read Frank Schillings post about Search Engine Land of Make Believe,
and sadly this actually ruined my day.

You see
I have become an avid fan of Frank Schilling,
I think the man is a visionary and
I hope to meet the man that shares a passion like no other.
Just as Greg Boser followed Danny Sullivan,
I have followed Danny, Greg and now Frank Schilling.

Why did it ruin my day?

This all too apparant gap between SEO/SEM and Domaining
really has to disappear


I cringe at narrowmindedness within my favourite industries. With all massive due respect to both parties, I cannot see that you guys understand each other’s industries. Frank get’s SEO though I cannot see that Danny Sullivan ‘get’s’ domaining based on his comments in 7 mile blog. I am sure Frank could have ripped that post to shreads if the audience was there. I was tempted myself, but I fear that it would be lost and knowledge better used to serve the competitive advantage it facilitates.

I LOVE domaining and
I LOVE SEO. They are so alike it’s not even funny. Different but fundamentially the same. Both mostly ignored by the mainstream, both growing in spite of this and both powerful sales and marketing vehicles.

Seo’s can turn crap into gold (hopefully),
they are the most advanced web users
and have intiminate relationships with the WWW and Internet.
Domainers turn what SEO’s call crap into GOLD,
so who’s right and who is wrong.
Work together and learn more about the Internet.

(seriously how can you miss out on all that business just because your too busy?).

Work together and then leverage your position
against Google and Yahoo.
Your ignorance is holding the entire Internet back
- serious

If you combine a good domain set and seo,
nothing compares.
It’s all about covering your bases and holistic web development.
Let nothing slip through the cracks and keep your competition at bay.
Just registering the remaining KW’s in your niche is
and will save a nasty suprise later down the track.
(Side Note to those watching their SERPS longterm
- make allowances in your strategy
for when
Domainers that own KW’s in your niche develop
take the SERP
- it’s only a matter of time).

Domainers and SEO’s alike both need to work together.
More SEO’s buying domain traffic is a good thing for both parties.
What about domain leasing?
We all know how easy it is to rank a potent KW domain
Domain traffic does convert better,
that’s a no-brainer.
CTR is higher
a certain brand element is always
involved with a good domain name,
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
the ````ie''''' just-above-mentionned may mean
the ````e.g.'''''

As SEO’s and SEM’s start to
wake up to the vast amounts of traffic outside the search engines
the quality of type ins will only increase.
As the gap between SEO and Domainer decreases,
traffic, conversion and oppourtunity will only increase.
This growth will continue until we see a near fully developed Internet
where you can surf directly to web sites knowing the goods will be there.
I have faith that
this capitalist market will evolve into a mature space
with totally quantifiable value and recognition beyond current belief.

The sooner
Domainers and SEO’s unite and start building quality advertising infantory,
both with each other and within their respective industries
the better. Believe me it has started,
but someone needs to really give this a push.

I will be sure to rant about this again sometime. Long time no post.

Filed in SEO, Public Relations Comments (0)


`` 2007 Is the Year of the Domainer ''

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2007 Is the Year of the Domainer
& My Favorite Domainer Blogs
July 11th, 2007 — Domaining

Maybe it’s just that I personally have been following the industry more,
but it seems to me that
–and the accepted value of premium generic domains
–is finally coming completely into the mainstream,
as evidenced
several recent articles about domainers in MSM publications,
the momentum of domainer conferences and auctions, and
the maturation of the domainer blogosphere.
I think this happened with SEO sometime last year,
but 2007 is the Year of the Domainer.
(Of course, you still see some idiotic MSM articles about both domaining and SEO,
but don’t hold your breath for that to change anytime soon.)
I myself will have a big announcement
concerning my involvement in this space in a few weeks,
so stay tuned.
