Thursday, 27 September 2007

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iHeadquarter can serve as
any purpose or
any purpose's headquarter , particularrly ,
--corporate--officing-- or

some handsome dictionaries
_including_The_American_Heritage_Dictionary_ say that
`````headquarter"""" 's the [100%] valid verb , hence
`````iHeadquarter"""" can also b[be] interpreted as
````` I headquarter[verb] """"

v'r the native Chinese-languages speakers
v[we] can guarantee % that
east Asian languages
e.g. all Chinese languages + Japanese language
e.t.c. have n'o[no] concept of plural in their grammars ,
i.e. ,
the people o'[of] Chineses or Japaneses or
other east Asians e.t.c.
'd[would] always naturally + straightly
type in or write in or speak out
`````headquarter"""" instead of
`````headquarters"""" in expressin' out
the idea of the singular noun
just until very latestly then i could realise that
English word 2[to] express the idea of singular noun
`````headquarter"""" should b[be] **very_unExpectedly**
`````headquarters"""" ;--^),
but ,
my own English competency 's[has] been being
not that 2[too] bad

many westerners +
internationnal big-behemoth-like companies
do also commit 'the same above-mentionned ``mistake""
e.g. : :::::
Results 1 - 100 of about 4,130,000 for headquarter [definition]
[[ searching at hktime 2007-09-27 16;00 ]]
e.g. : :::::
+ 2[too] many further examples 2[to] list all here

i********** naming , i.e. ,
the naming in the pattern of i**********
may have been becoming the grand trend ,
or even the flashy fashion
proof : :::::
look n'o[no] further
just look at the SUXess i.e. SUCKSess i.e. success
of iPhone of Apple
indeed indeep ,
the names of almost all series of products of Apple
'r all in the pattern of i********** ,
e.g. iMac , iWeb , iPhone , e.t.c.
Steve Jobs e.t.c. seem2b[seem-to-be] bent on i*-naming ,
its[it's] rumoured[rumored] that
Steve Jobs e.t.c. were so given 2[to] i*-naming that
Steve Jobs e.t.c. have preferred paying U$ millions
in buyin' 4[for] their
on an other hand , 's[has] already been registerred by some1 else
@ year 199x , much earlier than the birth of iPhone ,
do u[you] think that
at the time of naming 'the upcoming Apple's phoning product
as `````iPhone""""
Steve Jobs e.t.c. not already know that embarassing fact ??
but ,
Steve Jobs e.t.c. do still go on with the brand ``iPhone""
there may b[be] somethings or mystery things in i*naming
look !! ,
with its i********* products ,
Apple's share's price 's[has] been rising
from- U$ xx.00
2[to] U$ 1xx.00 up2now
if , u[you] own a i*********.com ,
then ,
perhaps , sooner or later ,
Steve Jobs e.t.c. or some1 else 'd reach u[you] 2[to] buy it,
just as the success story of 'the previous owner o'[of]
