Thursday, 5 July 2007

June 14, 2007 Sale .. Flipped by Buyer?

Probably for millions too.

Joe sends link:
"Recall it was sold for $550k last year. I follow Macau pretty closely, and i can tell you that the group that bought it last year added little value in my opinion. As far as i can tell, they basically threw up some content that mostly came from the Macau tourism site, and added a third party hotel engine. seemed like
it had more orginial content
and was a much better site,
but of course didnt have the killer generic or the google ranking.
Now they do.
Would love to see how much they paid."
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
its[it's] who bought in this case

Me too Joe! This looks like the classic flipper-upper.

I remember
back in 2000 when sold for 1 million in cash before the bubble popped..
Then in 2006 it resold for 5million..
then got recapitalized or sold for some 8 figure sum.
Names like these are absolutely priceless. is probably the biggest opportunity
any well funded domainer has missed in the last 5 years.
That name is going to be worth 10-15 million soon if it isn't already.
More in future.
It's the hotel reservations. Lead prices are astronomical.
Then there's the B Factor.
Huge huge on a name like this...
Sigh, cest la vie.

Posted at 09:57 PM in Domain Names (Domains)

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These guys should have paid...double what it sold for.
Melco PBL Entertainment (Macau) Limited
(MPEL) Stock Symbol
Just open one of the most exclusive Casinos in Macau and have two more Casinos in the works.

I'm feeling sick to my stomach.. and it's not the Ceviche I had earlier :)

Posted by: Dan June 14, 2007 at 10:03 PM


... also remember that was only regged in 2002,
according to the story that came out when it first sold for 550k.
The original owner is probably kicking himself (at least a little)
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
i.e. should have been let expired @round 2002
or even earlier by its originnal owner[s]

Posted by: Robb June 15, 2007 at 01:11 AM


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