[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor explains as the spelling correcting dictionnary : :::::
i think
my dear Sir Frank Schilling may have misspelled ,
"je nai se quoi" seems2make n'o[no] sense , as witnessable @ google , may b[be] : :
"je ne sais quoi" that right spelling ,
B-Factor "je nai se quoi" and Domain Names
May 06, 2007
B-Factor "je nai se quoi" and Domain Names
"Rupert would even acknowledge that some part of his interest in the WSJ goes beyond economics,"... The value of companies should in theory be equal to the total worth of their future cash flows, Buffett explained. But some businesses, such as sports clubs, movie studios and important national newspapers, have an extra value Buffett called the "B factor." .. The B factor at Dow Jones is huge, probably second only to the New York Times in the whole world," Buffett said.
Ughh .. The New York Times? Come on Mr. B. .. maybe in 1978 when the BeeGee's sang about it in Saturday Night Fever. We can all understand the tenor of what Mr. Buffet is speaking to of course. There is a power, influence, branding and cachet value that transcends the cash-flows the business can bring.
Domain names are the clasic "B Factor" investment of course. Why else pay 140X for a name like snoringcure.com ($8,000+ at Snapnames.com today). It will be a frosty day in Hell when PPC revenues pay for that one, but I now own a great snoring name! I can sell products relating to the malady .. some of them may cure my snoring (much to my wife's relief). It is generic, descriptive,
easy to buy traffic for,
easy to arbitrage - I could probably live off that one name! Man you gotta love domains. NYT example notwithstanding.. Buffet is right.
Posted at 08:55 PM in Domain Names (Domains) Permalink
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Frank - I thought your business revolved around ppc as opposed to developing or selling domains?
If so, you are not likely to develop snoringcure.com to make a profit on your $8000.Or have I misunderstood?
***FS*** Everything is in development.. it's just happy coincidence that the best names to develop also bring a trickle of PPC revenues. In this case, the intrinsic value of a name as a brandable site, as a tool for buying traffic from search engines far and away eclipses what I can make selling PPC right now.
Posted by: JP May 07, 2007 at 12:12 AM
Domain name newbie from UK here & a regular reader of your blog.
What volume of typed-in traffic would you expect for that domain name? What's so good about that domain name that prompts you to pay 8K? Why not develop a new snoring related domain name and save the 8K? I presume I'm missing something here!
***FS*** Just a trickle John.. its about the intrinsic value of the name.
Posted by: John Cronin May 07, 2007 at 03:34 PM
$8,000 could really be a fair price if you take the revenue that could come of it in let's say 5 year period. There are probably a billion if not more people with snoring problems. And I'm sure that cures for this aren't too cheap. A huge potential market and expensive products... I don't think it would take 120 years to earn those $8,000 back.English isn't my native language, so excuse me if this sounds stupid... but did you buy this name and what was the point you tried to make in the end?
***FS*** No your English is fine.. multiples are maleable
Posted by: Business Card Guru May 11, 2007 at 03:40 AM
Frank, what are your thoughts about highly-descriptive three-word generic .coms, given that you mentioned lower PPC names often are very developable. Do you own many/any currently?
For Example:
Do you see increasing value in these generics, IYO?
P.S. I was on Grand Cayman recently snorkling Hamburger Reef and thought about you working there. Coffee "on me" next time!
***FS*** I like compound search phrases providing they have a high overture style rank apart.. Reason? If people are searching for the phrase as a part of common vernacular via the engines, then it's possible to harvest those visits from the engines via arbitrage or paid search plays. Also the sitres are more recognizable to the average surfer as a common phrase they are "looking for anyway".. That said.. I also like memorable multi word strings if they are catchy and have resonance: seewhathappens.com <-- recent superbowl commercial.
Posted by: Dean Phillips May 14, 2007 at 04:44 PM
Same outlook for longer famous phrases?
> reportsofmydeath.com
Posted by: Robert June 15, 2007 at 12:11 AM
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[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
i classified this post under the label `` easy2 buy traffic for '' ,
because : :
an ad in tv e.t.c. =
too dear +
too short ,
a 30seconds spot in tv can cost u upto
USD 2-2.5 mm in the time of SuperBowl e.t.c. ,
----not----including---- any cost of ad-production e.t.c. ,
which can cost u an other cluster[s] of USD millions
ynot[whynot] have ur dn b[be] rememberred4ever
@ 1st Glance of your ad
acquiring a good domain does it ,
then ye dont need2do so many ads again-n-again
then ye dont need2do so many ads again-n-again
many visittors start w/ recalling your dn in order to [re]visit your site
@ cyber-pubs or
@ public libraries e.t.c. ,
there4 , if your domain isnt good enough ,
u need2spend million$$ 2[to] repeat your ad in tv e.t.c.
but ,
W/out Any guar. of good conversion,
W/out Any guar. of 4ever-result,
in case o'[of]
u cancelling only 1 ad in tv e.t.c.
with a best domain ,
then ,
u can so forth-right-away save
million$$ , o.k. ,
millions of Yen at least
]]]]]]]]] ,
indeep ,
just too many many expensive ads result in nothing lasting ,
just too many to list here + in order to avoid embarassment ,
there4 .....
there4 ,
a best domain saves million$$ marketting fees of ad in tv e.t.c.
sometimes even saving million$$ yearly4ever ,
Good-Domain is
Good-Start ,
[[ the above-saying 's the longtime's proverb , not invented by us
hey man ,
that isnt any rocket science ,
that is only the kid's level's common sense , ye cant comprehend
please b[be] reminded -
a job well begun is a job well done.
a job well begun is a job well done.
Sunday, 24 June 2007
B-Factor and Domain
channel ,,:---->
B-Factor and Domain,
easy2 buy traffic for,

edittor ,,:----->
VR tv
3:05:00 am
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