Sunday, 24 June 2007

when people in countries where $10 a day is a living can create the \\\\same\\\\\ sites I can, how can we compete?
John Reese - The Rebirth of Marketing
May 03, 2007
John Reese - The Rebirth of Marketing
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
John Reese 's the owner of , a handsome veteran in domainin'

Edwin Sherman sends this link to a lengthy article by John Reese.. John gave the keynote at the recent TRAFFIC Las Vegas. The article is filled with gems including:
p.11-15 John's theory (likely correct) that in the future, global hyper-competition in affiliate marketing will drive margins in SEO/SEM threadbare... Quote: "When your cost of living is US$250/mo you don't have to make much of a profit online to have a good lifestyle."


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John's report is excellent, well worth the time investment to read it. He covers a nagging and growing thought that's been in the back of my mind since day 1 -
when people in countries where $10 a day is a living can create
the same content and
the same sites I can,
how can one make a [[>>]]long[[<<]] term living on the internet?
how can we compete?

The obvious answer of course is domains.
They will need an address,
They will need a place for people to reach them, and '' just isn't going to cut it. They might live in a country where $10 a day is a nice living, but if they're looking for a global reach then their ccTLD isn't the answer. It's right back to trusty old .COM.

Posted by: DP May 03, 2007 at 07:49 PM


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