Tuesday, 26 June 2007

If u own a powersful generic dn ; u get the type-in's + indep. o' any ebay or SE

Interview of Frank Schilling, the World Famous Domain Investor


Having coined the term domain investor,
Frank Schilling is a recognized leader in the domaining field. He talks about domaining on his blog at

I recently asked Frank Schilling if he would be up for an interview and he said sure.

[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
What makes domain names so powerful from an investment standpoint?

[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
Several things..
When you build on a domain name you are the master of your destiny
because you are not beholden to anyone else’s platform.
It’s the Internet comparison to owning the building vs. leasing from a landlord.
Internet law is new and undefined.
Google and Ebay can be brutal landlords changing rules or algorithms
that put you back out on the street without notice.
If you own a powerful generic name or name phrase; you will get internet traffic independent of what the search engines and auction marketplaces try to do to you.




1 comment:

marcos bakerm said...

biz is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet. It is intended for registration of domains to be used by businesses. The name is a phonetic spelling of the first syllable of business.spartacus season 2