Tuesday, 26 June 2007

my 3penny response 2[to] a post of domainnamewire re business.com

my 3penny response 2[to]

: :::::

hi greetings ,
if any1 b2[be-to] buy that business o'[of] business.com ,
then out
there'r just 2[too] many better or more profittable relevant business sites
competing 2b[to-be] chosen
that business o'[of] business.com is relativly easily duplicable ,
cheaper in case o'[of] outsourcing 2[to] Indians e.t.c.
so ,
if there b[be] any1 really 2buy[to-buy] business.com ,
they may b[be] purly[purely] concerned by business.com this domain name itself ,
anything else may b[be] simply taken as the extra bonus
but ,
n'o[no] matter what ever ,
there's just only 1 business.com amongst 'the cloud ,
that's4ever ,

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