Saturday, 30 June 2007
our Hairy e.t.c. 'r also the vintage domain properties
Hairy e.t.c. 'r also the [[grand-daddy's]] vintage domain properties ,
>>>> Creation Date:
>>>> 01-jul-1996
there4 ,
reaping out all advantages outlined @ the section of this blog ,
```` [[generic]] domain like thy wife = olderGooder;--^) """""
Friday, 29 June 2007
ShackPrices rebranding as Estately
Estately vs ShackPrices
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
ShackPrices rebranding as Estately
Submit to!
June 29th, 2007 by Jay Westerdal
The value of a good name is everything.
When I first met Galen Ward he told me he had started a small web 2.0 startup called Shack
My first thought was,
“What an Odd name, Does his company give prices for run down houses?”.
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
ShackPrices gives the prices for [may_b-----nearly]all kinds of houses e.t.c.
The trouble with starting a Web 2.0 startup is that the technology should come first
but when it comes to a name or brand they should not settle for whatever is left unregistered.
I reviewed ShackPrices and I saw that the interface and functionality was very impressive.
Clearly this will be a good company but it is suffering from what us domainers call
“Web 2.0 Naming Disease”.
Look at the case of They choose a name that had a missing “E” and the owner of is now reporting that they receive 150K visitors a month now and they just turning down an offer for $700,000. Had Flickr been smart they could have bought the generic domain name for $15,000 to $25,000 a few years ago and now there is a auction that is exceeding $700,000.
To replace ShackPrices, one of Galen’s choices was
The owner of the name only wanted a few thousand for the domain
and I told Galen that he was actually getting a
sorry , My Dear Sir Jay ,
@ or the metacrawler-like dictionarysite
`` No results found for estately. ''
@ did also say
`` Sorry, no dictionaries indexed in the selected category contain the word estately ''
with 'the configuaration preset @ ```` Search all dictionaries """""'s the even-more-metacrawler-like dictionarysite
[[[[[[[[[ but ,
please dont get me wrong , my 3-penny's that : :::::
should such a ````Estately''''' term have commanded out such an eye-screaming 4-figures price ,
then ,
may b[be] i having n'o[no] need2suggest that : :
a 1word-the-dictionary' should also b[be] able2command
a correspondingly decent price
A one word domain name that is short and sweet are a total steal
if you can get them for under $10,000.
Upon announcing the name change
this two man company has gotten calls from three VC firms.
The brand is everything,
as ShackPrices they had great technology but their name held them back.
Galen pointed out,
real estate professionals are hyper focused on reputation and
he was getting mixed reviews with the old name. The offline feedback that he was getting suggested people were either negatively polarized with the ShackPrices name or thought the name was fine.
Now the feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
[[[[[[[[[ ``Now'' with Estately this brand
Great Brand plus Great Technology and I predict this will be a good thing.
Galen is lucky,, recently completed the acquisition of the domain name Hot for $120,000.
I think the the domain is a great brand
`` for companies that spend millions on advertising already, they should seriously consider a nice generic domain ''

Yes I agree
for companies that spend millions on advertising already,
they should seriously consider a nice generic domain,
Posted by: Salman April 11, 2007 at 04:42 PM
`` only Madonna can afford this name[[]] ''

Credibility Versus Popularity
June 29th, 2007 by Dr. Riza C Berkan, CEO
When we state that hakia is currently analyzing Web pages to rank them by semantic methods and credibility criteria, many people are asking,
what is “credibility” of a Web page, and
how can it better than “popularity''
In a nut-shell,
I can tell you right off the bat
that credibility is the real thing,
and popularity is an approximation (cheap immitation) for credibility.
Let’s walk through some cases to make this point clearer.
Case-1: Domain name
Let’s take the query “madonna”.
the most credible site is
Madonna’s official Web site,
Thanks to the fiercely competed market for Web names,
only Madonna can afford this name
the very first criteria for credibility is the domain
and how well that domain is controlled.
For example,
domains like .mil, .gov are totally controlled for official announcements,
thus it is very unlikely to see junk content.
" The very first criteria for credibility [[in-eyes-o'-those-S.E.]] is the domain "
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hakia :
"The decade-old exotic popularity methods to rank a Web page are increasingly becoming obsolete."
Hakia + Powerset are the post google, post ph'd 8 digit funded search players.
While little is disclosed in public forums, this post from
Hakia CEO is interesting on prioritisation of search sources :
"The decade-old exotic popularity methods to rank a Web page are increasingly becoming obsolete.
The next generation search systems will definitely not need these approaches any longer
due to the improvements in content analysis, and
due to the availability of crediblity measurements.
With the same token, manipulating search results will become much more difficult by artificial means."
Case-1: Domain name :
"The very first criteria for credibility is the domain
and how well that domain is controlled."
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
'the google's reason may b[be] that : :
4example[for-example] ,
let's assume ,
Mr John McCain buy up our Hairy
for USD1,000,000
for a site 2b[to-be] the central portal
for any1 who want 2b[to-be] hairy or to look like hairy ,
thence ,
Mr John McCain must do all his best to put the best+relevantest
contents e.t.c.
in2[into] Hairy
in order to earn back $$$$
a.s.a.p.[as-soon-as-possible] +
a.m.a.p.[as-much-as-possible] ,
otherwise ,
he might b[be] starved of not possessing enough working capital or
he might b[be] kicked out of 'the board of directors e.t.c.
The Rise of Numeric Domains
The Rise of Numeric Domains
By Scott Smith
06/12/07 4:00 AM PT
Hairy[.com] can b[be] made as Fark e.t.c.
Hairy's audience is something like to that of Fark e.t.c.
Hairy can b[be] made in2[into] something like Fark
[[[[or-somewhere-in-'the-niche-kind]]]]] ,
although ````hairy""""" the word may have some ad-ult[adult] sense ,
but , so do ``fark'' 2[too]
>> The term “farking” was originally intended as a euphemism
>> for the verb,
>>Presumably a phonetic spelling of fuck pronounced slowly.
>>(Australian English) (euphemism) (vulgar) Fuck, as interjection of surprise, etc.
>>Usage notes
>>Only very slightly less offensive than fuck itself.
our 3-penny's that : :::::
should ````Fark''''' such an offensive word b[be] in fact accepted in
the mainstreams media ,
then ,
indeep ,
````hairy""""" the word itself is innocent ,
@ ,
all dictionnaries o'[of] grand brand there do say n1[n'one//none]
ad-ult[adult] meaning for the word
if ....
any1 were2haggle down the price of Hairy 4[for] reason
that word ````hairy""""" contains some ad-ult[adult] sense ,
then ,
please , do also the same treat//trick 2[to] Author , [[4example[for-example]]]
because : :::::
>>>> * AUTHOR: Doctor who writes illegal prescriptions
many other innocent//innocentest words do also have some obscene senses ,
including even ````SACRAMENT"""""
or even ````HEAVEN"""""
or even ````GOD""""" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,
expecially in the case of ````GOD""""" : :
>>>> god (e) dildo
could ye say any bad thing about the price o'[of] GOD
just because the word o'[of] GOD 's[has] certain
dildo-like;--^)) meaning
this ideal idea's being elaborated , more in the pipe n[and] comin'[coming],
anyway , ThANKye 4[for] your any attention , sorry4inconveniency ,
A case study by a legacy seo-master 4Y[for-why] Vintage domains , doMain like thy wives , older gooder ,;--^),

sorry for quoting in almost all contents o'[of]
because : :
this dissertationnal
is extremly extremely fully insightsful ,
vr2[we-are-to] refer to the principles composed below
as the referrence for our own sites's
seo+genericDomain synergy strategy
Domains For Traffic
List of Contents
Why Vintage Domains?
How Do You Do It?
Why Categorize?
Leveraging Vintage Domains – Case Study: PoetryPortal
Why Vintage Domains?
What you should know when deciding on where and what to buy in terms of domains is
the fact that
established domains can wield considerably more clout in terms of search engine rankings than pristine entities.
Of course, as a rule, a domain's most important feature is the name itself. However, beyond mere naming some additional critical – but often overlooked – factors come into play.
Choosing vintage domains for your web properties rather than registering them from scratch
can dramatically increase your marketing clout because they will aid you in:
* building customer trust and confidence;
* capitalizing on existing incoming links;
* boosting your search engine rankings.
How Do You Do It? The reason we can do it this way
– and at such incredibly low fees
– is simple:
We're not domainers and don't want to be!
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor2w notes : :::::
have u the domainsForTraffic thought that
its[it's] easy2become a successful domainer ????
sorry ,
if u'rnt[you-are-not] hardworking enough @ domaining ,
then more-often-than-not u'd [you-would] rather become
the SUCcessful domainer ;--^)),
sorry ,
all just4joke , n'one[none] humiliation intended ,
thanking for your understanding
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor2w notes : ::::: further details please c[see]
Why Categorize?
These days,
search engine optimization isn't merely about stuffing plenty of keywords and synonyms onto your web pages.
Information retrieval technology (IRT) and Computational Linguistics (CL) have come a long way
in determining any given text's content
even without significant keyword densities to inform the process.
Some cues in point are Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Theme Vector Analysis and diverse spam detection patents registered by Google, Yahoo! and MSN staff, etc.
– technologies and algorithms we cannot cover here in any depth.
To cut a long story short:
The more focused your web sites are,
The better in terms of achievable search engine rankings.
Of course, in actual reality, it's a whole lot more complicated than that,
but as an overall rule of thumb you'll be well advised to
keep a very tight ship regarding what you're featuring on whichever sites of yours.
if you're promoting both Caribbean cruise discounts and sports memorabilia,
be sure to keep them on separately focused web sites
– and take care to assign the appropriate domain names to each.
Whether this is actually better for your marketing in itself may be subject to debate,
but it's certainly a lot more powerful in regards to search engine positioning.
To this day,
having relevant keywords in your domain names
can help you
get your sites indexed and ranked faster and better.
No, it's no magic bullet for all your ranking aspirations
– but
it certainly can considerably help the search engines
in determining what your site is about in the first place.
And obviously, anything that helps the search engines will be yours to leverage!
So in an ideal world you'll
1) purchase a relevant domain with a
2) vintage status and
3) build an equally relevant web site on it
with lots of good, unique and targeted content to achieve best results.
And while we cannot do the latter for you, we can indeed help you cover factors #1 and #2 in this equation!
Leveraging Vintage Domains – Case Study: Poetry Portal
Date of report: 2005-05-14
Domain registered on: 2005-05-03
Proxied: Yes
Recommended for:
Blog + Books + Education + Entertainment + Fantasy + Generic + Lexical + Social + Vintage
Pre-launch policy:
Following registration, domain was kept live with a generic
“Welcome to” index page sans outgoing or internal links, navigation, etc.
No further content was deployed before final launch.
Website launch:
The website proper was launched as a Wordpress blog on 2007-05-02.
Average number of postings was appr. 10 per day.
Link building: Link building commenced on 2007-05-08 as follows –
2007-05-08 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-08 – 1 link from PR 3 site
2007-05-08 – 1 link from PR 2 site
2007-05-08 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-08 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-09 – 1 link from PR 1 site
2007-05-10 – 1 link from PR 5 site
2007-05-10 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-10 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-11 – 1 link from PR 3 site
2007-05-11 – 1 link from PR 5 site
2007-05-12 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-12 – 1 link from PR 4 site
2007-05-12 – 1 link from PR 5 site
In aggregate:
PR5: 4 link(s) (28.57%)
PR4: 7 link(s) (50.00%)
PR3: 2 link(s) (14.29%)
PR2: 1 link(s) (7.14%)
Link building was temporarily suspended from 2007-05-13.
These were dynamic links placed entirely on weblogs.
I.e. they did not stay in static mode on the respective blogs' index pages but were pushed down and off onto the next archive page as fresh postings by other parties were consecutively uploaded.
This implies that the links alone cannot be held responsible for the ranking results listed below
their respective PR bleeding value
a) was shared by 9 other, competing links per index page, and
b) was in effect only temporarily until the posting including the link had been pushed into the archive.
PageRank™ (index page): PR 0 per 2007-05-14
Rankings per: 2007-05-14
(all search terms/keywords without quotes)
Days since launch: 12
Search phrase + ranking: contemporary poetry portal
– pos. #1 + #2 out of appr. 1,160,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: poetry portal
– pos. #5 out of appr. 1,530,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: cash poetry contest
– pos. #9 out of appr. 1,090,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: hard cash poetry contest
– pos. #1 + #2 out of appr. 1,150,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: contemporary poetry contest
– pos. #1 out of appr. 1,080,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: contemporary poetry
– pos. #26 out of appr. 11,200,000.
See screenshot here.
At the time of this analysis, Google had indexed a total of only 22 pages (out of 133) of the website.
Search phrase + ranking: contemporary poetry portal
– pos. #7 out of appr. 556,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: poetry portal
– pos. #37 out of appr. 4,500,000.
See screenshot here.
Search phrase + ranking: hard cash poetry contest
– pos. #12 out of appr. 714,000.
See screenshot here.
Seeing that Yahoo! had only indexed 4 pages (out of 133) of this website at the time of this checkup, the above results can positively be rated “good/above average”.
The above results seem to confirm
the commonly held view in the SEO community that,
all other factors being equal,
vintage domains indeed enjoy a significant advantage
in terms of pushing rankings.
At time of writing there is no “sandbox effect” whatever discernible.
While the documented search phrases cannot be rated as “extremely competitive” by today's standards,
their actual degree of competitetiveness is far from trivial either.
the sheer speed (less than two weeks!)
with which these results were achieved is quite dramatic.
This clearly demonstrates
the value of opting for our traffic pulling vintage domains
to leverage all your search marketing efforts!
© copyright 2007 by
Domains For Traffic™ is the trademark of GmbH.
All rights reserved.
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
the fantomaster 's been being the SEO profesion depuis 199x ,
sorry cant recall 'the ex-act date , ThANKye
'' take the money you saved and buy yourself a good domain name! ''
my My Dear Sir GenericDoMainer's
> I have a great idea for the iphone “iMustHaveNow” folks,
> go home, wait 3 months for prices to drop,
> take the money you saved
> and buy yourself a good domain name!
this gist its[it's] really very ......... o k u have known it ;--^),
ye should post this very post @7mile ,
me-seems ,
My Dear Sir Frank Schilling will-n-WILL
like your good post oyes realy very good post
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor updates : :::::
a good domain
any domain 's4ever[is-for-ever] ,
but ,
iphone e.t.c. 's not
Thursday, 28 June 2007
any property + decent developement = resale $ucce$$ , as the REALty WORLD ,
My Dear Sir DoMainBinge said : :
>> The race is producing sale amounts
>> that can be quite discouraging
>> for people trying to “break in” to the domain name industry.
>> Sure
>> I can fork out a couple grand for a domain,
>> but can I muster up
>> hundreds of thousands of dollars on a speculative play?
>> Do I want to?””’
my response o'[of] 3-penny : :::::
2 certain extent , oyes ,
but ,
your property 4resale again must come up w/ some decent developement ,
4example((^--;for-example;--^)) : : or those exemplified @[[theProperty+decentDevelopement]]````they%20admit%20to%20selling%20too%20soon
ye better 2b[to-be] your bought property's developper
just as
those property developpers in the real world ,
who buy up a prime land or house e.t.c.
2dev4resellOrLease[to-develop-for-resell-or-lease] , e.t.c.,
u-c[you-see] ,
just how [[too-much]]
successful +
those property developpers in the real world
have been being
4example((^--;for-example;--^)) : :
““ they admit to selling too soon.””
““ they admit to selling too soon.””
any proper[good] property ,
indeep ,
any thing does not guarantee any success ,
any thing does not-guarantee any success ,
but ,
a proper[good] property may b[be] easy4resale
the formula ’s : :::::
the property + decent developement
the property + decent developement
as witnessed
by REALty WORLD piggybacks on any success o' e.t.c. , The Advantage Of Owning The Generic Domains .com
The Advantage Of Owning Generic Domains
Published May 15, 2007 in Domain Names.
No one will argue there’s already a shortage with type-in generic domains.
Now take it 10 years forward, or 20.
A new startup is founded and its founders are looking for a domain name for their business.
Let’s say, just a random example ( ) their concept is to create a
funeral homes directory, but of course, is registered many years ago.
What are they to do? They go and find a different domain of course, say
They put their site together,
hypothetically speaking,
a better site then[[than]] the current leader, and start to market.
They happen to be experts and do extremely good job marketing, and achieve the unimaginable
– they become market leader.
What is happening with the traffic to
who do not remember the complicated/creative
name of the startup
[[[[[[[[[ e.t.c. ]]]]]]]]]
tend to remember the concept behind the name
(especially if they heard of the generic before),
and they type
Traffic leakage goes up at
thanks to the new startup. Even if goes out of business traffic will still be there
thanks to the new startup.
the more traffic the startup command,
the more leakage.
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor2w notes : :::::
that's ex-actly the tragedy happenning 4[for] v.
[[[[ o k o k , not so much a tragedy 4[for] ]]]]]
How’s that for motivation??
The cost gets higher as some users, even though acquired at great cost, “get lost”
This by the way is happening today every single second of the day and most companies,
I would guess over 99.999% of them, don’t realize it.
This is the long term power of generics.
It isn’t just about today,
It is also about those startups 20 years from now.
Whatever they gonna do, and those who succeed,
will (fortunately to generic domain owners) keep leaking traffic to generic domains.
5 Responses to “The Advantage Of Owning Generic Domains”
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5 John
Jun 11th, 2007 at 9:05 am
I finally ‘realized’ the power of generic domains while working on an Adwords campaign for a small business.
Either I pay Google to send traffic based on keyword searches to this particular business,
or I buy all the generic domain names around this business
and drive that type in traffic to this website.
Generics alone won’t solve the traffic issue, I’d still need to advertise.
But acquiring good generics would be a one time high-ish cost if they are already registered
(then there’s just annual renewals) for x amount of traffic.
Google Adwords, on the other hand, wants to be fed according to clicks or impressions.
And I could easily pay 600 dollars a month on Adwords.
That makes
spending 5 - 10k for good generics look cheap.
I wonder if Google will begin to notice if advertisers begin picking up generics and forwarding that traffic to their sites. And
I wonder if Google will step in and start sucking up domain names.
They sure have the computing power to do so.
Congratulations!I don’t think it is meaningful loss to big search engines that people have some direct traffic such as from domain names, as businesses need to expand, as you indicated, even with a good generic you are still going to buy traffic from the engines.As far as Google/Yahoo/MSN getting into the game and acquiring domains, I believe that is the end goal (wishful thinking anyways) of med size companies such as Marchex, NameMedia, ,Demand Media, Ireit.
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Welcome back (Change)
he meant an other site but could only remember the generic IDEA , _n_o_t_ the name of the site
May 02, 2007
The Power of .COM branding
Sahar writes:
"This last weekend I took the family and went weightless with Zero Gravity
Corp ( ), it was a
unique experience to say the least. Talking to another attendee about trip
ideas, I mentioned I want to go dolphin swimming. This other person, a wealthy
individual in the textile industry, said he went once and had a blast. I
asked him where can I find more information and he said "Just go to, they list a bunch of them including reviews".
So today, went online, checked out, and it is a PPC page.
I'm sure he meant another site but he could only remember the generic version of
that site, the IDEA of what the site was about, rather then the site name
Even if your brand is a distinctive brand (ebay, Microsoft, Versign) )
this illustrates the power of owning the generic versions that represent your
***FS*** This same scene plays out millions and millions of times each day.
It's hard to undo the trillion+ in collective branding that makes .com the global juggernaut it is.
Posted at 04:03 PM in Domain Names (Domains) Permalink
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[[.....]] sold for $600million BECAUSE they rebranded from which floundered for years BEFORE rebranding
June 27, 2007
"And You Want to Be My Latex Salesman..." - Scott Austin Doesn't Quite Get It
Dan sends link to Scott Austin's column...
I can't believe this guys writes for a business news outlet,
he misquotes cybersquatting and gives these web 2.0 guys way too easy a pass.
Domain names are the most significant thing of value behind many Internet companies. <--- it's about the name, not Diller. [[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : ::::: ''Diller'' 's the 1 in the top management of the group which owns ]]]]]]]]] <--- It was a huge natural search term "before"
it was a brand.<--- sold for 600 million
because they rebranded from ''
(which floundered for years before rebranding).
I could go on and on.
Well I can tell you that your message GOT through.
Dow Jones-Telerate found it's way to my post, and then clicked on the link to yours,
after searching for "scott austin"
on Google (blogsearch)
where I with my blogger[[.com]] platform advantage are #1
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
blogger[[.com]]'s o'[of]
my dear((;oyes-real-very-dear-in-term-o'-stocksprice;)) google
but you can't miss the Frank headline
"Scott Austin Doesn't Quite Get It15 hours ago by Frank Schilling " a couple down
blogsearch is a google secret weapon
(maybe not so much any more.. but they've changed the location twice)
Posted by: owen frager June 27, 2007 at 04:22 PM
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
this post by My Dear Sir Own Frager may seem a little bit off topic ,
but ,
still do i list here just4fun;--^),
Wow Frank -- your comments are normally insightful, but this post was just plain lame.
You clearly show you're out of touch with Silicon Valley and didn't get the point of the column ... Scott is saying that many good Web start-ups with good ideas AREN'T spending as much money on domain addresses these days. Whether or not that's smart is another story.
Many venture-backed Internet companies with great tech are dreaming up words that don't exist to avoid paying a domainer like yourself big bucks. This isn't true with every start-up, but if you ask a lot of us entrepreneurs around, it's certainly a trend. Venture capitalists usually fund the technology and people, not the domain name.
As Scott says, there are some new cases of VC-BACKED companies that have recently formed around a domain name like back during the tech boom...what has and done over the years bouncing around between owners? Jack squat.
Need a good business model to be a, not just a domain name.
Simply put, seems you didn't quite get it.
***FS*** He incorrectly uses the term "cybersquatted".. so he doesn't "quite" get it. That's a derogatory (and incorrect) term in this story's context. I made that clear at the top of my post, everybody else seemed to agree.
Posted by: Daniel June 27, 2007 at 09:23 PM
Daniel, and have bounced around do nothing
and their vlaue just keeps going up.
And this is because all the smart healthcare companines and schools in this country and around the world do not yet see the value in them NOW.
Just because they do not see the value themselves...does not mean the value is not there.
When they finally do see the value and no how to "unlock" it...its going to cost them 5x-30x more for them...and they still will be getting a deal...just not as good of a deal as now.
""Many venture-backed Internet companies with great tech are dreaming up words that don't exist to avoid paying a domainer like yourself big bucks. This isn't true with every start-up, but if you ask a lot of us entrepreneurs around, it's certainly a trend. Venture capitalists usually fund the technology and people, not the domain name.""
Frank's not missing anything...this is 1000% backwords thinking on their part.
It like they are putting one quarter into the slot machine
...instead of putting the max of 5 quarters in
...when the jackpot is hit
...they are screwing themselves on the "payoff" only having one quater in the machine.
one quarter= bad domain
five quaters= good domain
""As Scott says, there are some new cases of VC-BACKED companies that have recently formed around a domain name like back during the tech boom...what has and done over the years bouncing around between owners? Jack squat. Need a good business model to be a, not just a domain name.""
This is "forward thinking" because, unlike the "tech bust" of 2000...
there were no "sound business" models back then.
Today, sound internet and domain business models are popping up all over the place and will only excelerate.
I agree you need both...
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
v[we] do 100.000% agree ,
even our this blog's 4[for] generic domains ,
but ,
v'rnt[we-are-not] blindly ,
v will-n-WILL apply this very approach in our own net projet
and today,
business models are becoming very sound
which is making good domains even more valuable...
which there are only a limited supply of
Posted by: Dan June 27, 2007 at 10:43 PM
Sorry...forgot spell-check in my last post. I have a bit of disability... when it comes to sentence structure and spelling and a couple of other things. What are you going do?...LOL
Posted by: Dan June 28, 2007 at 12:31 AM
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
automatic '.COM'[button], iPhone , Apple , real ....
June 27, 2007
You Should Have Bought Marchex at $12...
frank! take a look at this new iPhone video...
you'll notice that when you're typing in URLs, Apple has added an automatic .COM button
so you can type your URL faster...
a nice little added value for domainers. :)
Posted by: julien June 27, 2007 at 01:27 PM
control the gateway to the entire industry online

Generic and Branded Domain Names in Corporate Marketing
How Brand Thinking Has Enslaved Corporate America on the Internet
We're currently developing a few of our health-related domain names. A colleague of mine in the pharmaceutical industry said she was speaking to a Pharma Company executive about health and medical-related domain names, and his opinion was that a premium health domain name such as should be worth about $10,000 to his company. He didn't understand why it would sell for $2-3 million. At least at his level, his focus was in finding a unique branded name.
I don't disagree that owning a unique brand is important. However, as diplomatically as possible, I told her that her pharma friend was being short-sighted if he truly believed that ownership of generic domain names had such little value.
If he really understood his business as a whole,
he should want to control the gateway to his category on the Internet,
and not simply his own brand.
After all, searching for health information online is one of the things consumers do most.
Without ownership of that gateway, these companies will be giving funneling money to the premium health domain owners for the rest of their lives.
At a recent Domain conference, a panel of Madison Avenue ad agency and marketing executives held a discussion about why major corporations had failed to register the generic keyword domain names that define their industries.
In the November edition of DNJournal,
Ron Jackson reports about this panel discussion at the TRAFFIC East/Moniker domain name conference:
"Domain owners need to do everything they can to educate corporate
leaders..."How is it that Hilton and Marriott and Westin and all of the
rest couldn't
figure out how many leads they would get from a domain like Instead
of paying a million or two for a domain they now have to
pay tens of millions
(for leads) for the rest of their
lives.""Corporations have been trained to
think in terms of "brands" for
200 years now. They view their brand as something
with qualities that set it
apart from generics, in fact they view brands as the
exact opposite of a
generic term.""What we think they fail to understand is
that a generic
domain name reaches the consumer when they are thinking about
something in a category, like an automobile, before they zero in on
Owning the generic domains, like, could effectively make them
gatekeeper for the entire industry, allowing them to intercept the customer
and send them to the brand they want before they go to a competitor[[.....]] and
What's in a domain name?
Commentary: Web start-ups scraping bottom of brand barrel
By Scott Austin, Dow Jones
Last Update: 5:35 PM ET Jun 25, 2007
Names that need no introduction
That makes all the more interesting last week's news about two reincarnated Web sites, and
The companies formed around a domain name and secured venture capital,
a rare instance these days. announced Tuesday at the Dow Jones Healthcare Innovations Conference that it had raised $6.1 million in venture money to develop a Web platform for health information. Last year its founders purchased the valuable domain name, which had bounced around but never really been capitalized on.
Scott Austin is an assistant managing editor at Dow Jones who oversees VentureWire,
a daily publication covering venture capital and start-up companies
Hence the (domain) name Posted by: Frank under Industry
Wednesday Jun 27th, 2007
at 8:42 amWhile there are many things that make us different from other
web2.0 startups, there’s one item I’d like to touch on - our domain name. Web
2.0 companies often end up creating artificial names for their companies, be it
because it’s the trend or in order to avoid buying a premium domain name. So why
did we pick a descriptive domain name?
Peter and I worked a lot with domain
investors during our previous jobs. After seeing them buy generic names - a lot
of them with existing type-in traffic, it just made sense to us to use a
descriptive name for our startup. While type-in traffic to our
domain was initially small, the descriptive nature of the name helps users to
remember it. We also registered about 100 variations and typos of our domain
name and redirected all of them to the site - something I
think every company should do.
What type of branding do you prefer, which
names do you personally find easiest to remember?
(This post was inspired by
something I just wrote over at Domain Name News.)Share This
descriptive domain name, domain name news, generic names, startups, traffic,
Frank Schilling the World Famous Domain Investor

Interview of Frank Schilling, the World Famous Domain Investor
[[17th May 2007]]
Having coined the term domain investor,
Frank Schilling is a recognized leader in the domaining field.
He talks about domaining on his blog at
I recently asked Frank Schilling if he would be up for an interview and he said sure.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
What is the best domain you regret not purchasing?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]] sold for 1.5 million.. That was a really tasty one.. I chickened out over a million. Wish I could get in the Delorean and go back in time on that one.
Also sold to the food network in a San Francisco bankruptcy court in 2003. it went for $300,000 ish .. I should have bid 500k back then.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
Is it too late to get into domaining?
If you were starting today which model would you go after?
Would you try to buy a few strong domains
or try to own a much larger portfolio of weaker ones?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
I think
there are so many untapped opportunities here..
Within a few years, hundreds of thousands globally are going to be directly employed in this industry.
It is early not late.
This is like California in the 1960’s. -- yes, it’s not the 1920’s anymore,
but there are still mountains of untapped opportunity.
I would probably focus on buying and selling, flipping up and bootstrapping profits back into the business if I had to start today.
Also SEO and PPC keyword arbitrage.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
What are your favorite cities to visit?
How does real estate there compare with domain name prices?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
I like Los Angles and Las Vegas a lot.
It’s funny because those cities real estate histories have parallels to the domain industry.
In Southern California you have Irvine
where one man basically acquired millions of acres through the early 1900’s and then sold to a large corporation in the later 1900’s.
Today the seller looks like a fool because he sold so cheap
when viewed against the development
which has occurred in the surrounding area.
Yet had he not sold, none of the roads, utilities, infrastructure would be there,
so the area would not really be as valuable.
So if there is a comparison between domains and real estate, I think
“development naturally follows acquiring the land” and
“prices increase as the people come in”
are the two over-riding factors.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
How many ways do you categorize domains?
What types of domains are the best from an investment perspective?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
We have 60 main categories such as “cars”
and then 1600 subcategories including “car accessories”, “towing”, “insurance” etc.
The best domain-names are generic defensible keyword-style
(one two and three word)
phrases which get some trickle of organic generic-intent type-in traffic;
for nothing more than the keyword-weight, gravity and resonance of the generic words
that make up the domain name.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
Many domains tend to sell for a multiple of PPC earnings. In 10 years time do you think the baseline will move to some other metric?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
It already has.. No good domain portfolio has changed hands since BuyDomains and that business would have sold for considerably more than the rumored amount had the company’s former owner been engaged in selling advertising alone, vs selling his names. Prior to that there was ‘Name Development’s’ sale to Marchex (Yun Ye transaction). No large, high-quality portfolios have changed hands since. Other sales have been smaller or split-portfolios consisting of good names interspersed with trademark issues.
Individual names often sell for 100 years PPC.
No high quality domainer would dream of selling a portfolio worth potential billions to a third party for 10-12X PPC revenues.
PPC is a flawed multiple because it works off a rev-share.
If you buy a portfolio for 10X
and it is on a 50/50 rev share
(after “cost of services” through Google Adsense)
that means
you sold your portfolio for 5X what Google could make with it.
3X if you exclude the amount Google shaves for smart pricing.
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
even may b[be] only 1.5x e.t.c.
in case of that
u cant park your property directly with Google
b[be] un-able 2meet[to-meet]
those requirements of minimum monthly traffics e.t.c.
[and] there4
u'r forced2park w/ the domainspa this kind o'[of]
domain parking middlemen
who can meet those minimum requirements
the typiccal domain parking middleman takes away
an other 50% or even more
off of anything left by Google e.t.c.,
i.e. ,
u can take only 25% or even less o'[of ]
what your property can earn w/ Google e.t.c.,
'the 3x above-mentionned by My Dear Sir Frank Schilling
's only for the case of that
u could directly park your property w/ Google e.t.c.
That is so insanely cheap.
Only a fool would give names away like that.
If I were selling I would pick a walk away number
(the youtube style multiple)
or I would sell names individually.
The breakup value of large portfolios will be in the billions if they aren’t already.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
You have mentioned that
you thought search was promoting too many anchor stores vs smaller boutique websites.
Do you think this creates an opportunity for other search players or adds value to topical community resources?
Do you see it becoming more or less profitable to make niche websites and domain names?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
I think of every domain name as an alternative search engine under the keyword embodied within the name.
I think here in Germany around 80% of type-in traffic are .DE domains.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was similar in France with their .fr-tld.
Patrick on May 17, 2007 06:22 PM
Hi Aaron,Great interview. Thanks.
It kind of re-inforces one of the larger acquistions I have recently made.
I wanted to start a community forum for Expats.
I had the choice of registering some mediocre domains or going for what I think is the real cream
I ended up paying in the low $xx,xxx region for the name. Most people think I'm mad.
I believe that
when the site is successful
then the name will have amazing brand value power behind it.
I think ShoeMoney puts it so well when he says to always "Plan for success"...
Bob Sheth on May 18, 2007 06:19 AM
Great Interview.
All other things being equal between 2 sites.
The advantage of using a Keyword domain is 3 fold.
1) Gets Type-in traffic
2) Better Search engine listing for the keyword, both specific and long tail
3) Better CTR
& Lower pricing for the keyword in the relevency based PPC's
like Google Adwords and Yahoo-Panama.
Ravi Venkatraman on May 19, 2007 12:33 PM
Very rewarding interview.
I seldom read through anything like this becuase it is so often fluff ...
this one has some real meat an dis very informative.
My own cut regarding the ccTLD's ...
their type-in use and value will vary significantly from country to country. I know that
.de, as already mentioned, is very widely used within Germany.
But I have a Canadian business associate who has his comapny's "brochure" type site on and
His "brick and mortar" market is about 70/30 US/CA, but
his traffic on the web site is more than 90/10 .COM/.CA
Dave Starr --- ROI Guy on May 20, 2007 08:18 PM
microsoft empire strike back google.etc , anything all-out
發佈時間:2007.06.27 07:38 來源:賽迪網 作者:子聰
微軟公司高管們喜歡說我們仍處於網路搜索業務的初期階段。他們表示,雖然Google目前的領先優勢看起來很大,但是那並非是不可超越的。 若非微軟宣佈的聲明以及它為了創建出一種在網上搜尋資訊的更好方法而進行的大量投資,它在搜索方面的業務仍將處於空白狀態。
8.4%來自微軟的MSN或者Windows Live搜索,而
微軟宣佈了打算收購語音識別技術領先公司Tellme Networks的計劃,
微軟首席軟體設計師Ray Ozzie在2月份的一次投資會議上說:
“在網路服務領域有很多商機。 那種搜索技術將首先被整合到MSN Health Fitness中,並最終整合到主要搜索服務中。”
微軟線上服務集團公司董事Adam Sohn將這種戰略稱為搜索競爭中的“迂迴策略”。
the greatly crazy Monster's offer
2[to] preclude or shut the door
'4[for]' ms or yahoo or e.t.c. ,
its the prelude
馬薩諸塞州Southborough市的搜索引擎優化廠商Stone Temple Consulting的創始人Eric Enge說:
Sterling Market Intelligence公司創始人Greg Sterling說:
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
If u own a powersful generic dn ; u get the type-in's + indep. o' any ebay or SE
Interview of Frank Schilling, the World Famous Domain Investor
Having coined the term domain investor,
Frank Schilling is a recognized leader in the domaining field. He talks about domaining on his blog at
I recently asked Frank Schilling if he would be up for an interview and he said sure.
[[ seobook : ::::: ]]
What makes domain names so powerful from an investment standpoint?
[[ Frank Schilling : ::::: ]]
Several things..
When you build on a domain name you are the master of your destiny
because you are not beholden to anyone else’s platform.
It’s the Internet comparison to owning the building vs. leasing from a landlord.
Internet law is new and undefined.
Google and Ebay can be brutal landlords changing rules or algorithms
that put you back out on the street without notice.
If you own a powerful generic name or name phrase; you will get internet traffic independent of what the search engines and auction marketplaces try to do to you.
squeegee men
My Dear Sir John Levine ,
My Dear Sir Suresh Ramasubramanian ,
hi greetings ,
ye come 2[too] late in2[into] the game n[and] cant eat 'the grape , o k ,
but ,
please , dont call 'the grape as sour , ye made me si*k ,
cheers , 2w
$100k name... $1k a month for 8 years , seems not too much
Undeveloped .com Domain Name Prices vs SEO Service Prices vs Business Prices
If a domain name is priced at say $10,000 - that is $1k a year for 10 years.
$100k name... $1k a month for 8 years.
Breaking down the figures makes domain names look quite undervalued to me.
Rob on June 25, 2007 08:18 AM
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
$1k/1month seems just not 2[too] much .........
ye may call in domaincapital[.com] e.t.c.
2[to] arrange the domain investment instalment
my 3penny response 2[to] a post of domainnamewire re
: :::::
hi greetings ,
if any1 b2[be-to] buy that business o'[of] ,
then out
there'r just 2[too] many better or more profittable relevant business sites
competing 2b[to-be] chosen
that business o'[of] is relativly easily duplicable ,
cheaper in case o'[of] outsourcing 2[to] Indians e.t.c.
so ,
if there b[be] any1 really 2buy[to-buy] ,
they may b[be] purly[purely] concerned by this domain name itself ,
anything else may b[be] simply taken as the extra bonus
but ,
n'o[no] matter what ever ,
there's just only 1 amongst 'the cloud ,
that's4ever ,
"Good domain names are appreciating faster than equities and real estate—by a lot,"
Domain Auctions: Heady Days
Domain name industry booming with multimillion-dollar sales, but is it sustainable?June 25, 2007
By Leah Messinger
"Good domain names are appreciating faster than equities and real estate—by a lot,”
said Fair Winds Partners co-founder and Internet consultant Joshua Bourne. He
said there’s growing attendance of venture capitalists and private equity companies at the auctions.
Verisign estimates that the average amount paid per user click on an online ad in the first quarter of 2007 was $1.46. Terms such as “home equity loan” bring in more than $24 per click.
my not-so-official response to a post o' My Dear Sir Frank Schilling
`` June 25, 2007 Mike Mann Talks About Selling Domain Names ''
hi greeting my dear sir Frank ,
should your pictures so beautiful ,
then ,
y[why] dont ye and//or your colleagues work it out ??
ye do have 'the enough financial resources ,
ye do have so many fantastic colleagues ,
ye'r the leader[s] in this cottage industry ,
as does always buntly say :
```` the best way to predict the future is to create it ''''' ,
that's particularrly extremly extremely directly beneficial to your own doMain portfolioes ,
``cottage-industry'' ??
oyes , doMain investment's best investment ,
oyes ,
but ,
here in hk n[and] China ,
simply n'o[no] any1talk domain investment ,
n'o[no] matter how [self-claimed] speciallised 'r those investmental speciallists[specialists]
there up-rise n[and] up-roar
many many too many instant-millionnaires n[and] sudden-billionnaires in the mainland of China ,
but ,
simply n'o[no] any1 talks about the doMain investment ,
but ,
they do like2frequent LV[LasVegas] 4[for] gambling + 2[to] show-off ,
those ``da-kuan''[the-Chinese-word-for-bigStyle-i.e.-bigWig]from the mainland of China
do particularrly like2b[like-to-be] showy 2show[to-show] that
`` Chinese people rnt[are-not] poor '' or
`` Chinese people do have the money$$ ''
or something like that ,
just look
@ Macau e.t.c or even sometimes
@ LV , they'r nearly always the heaviest//craziest gamblers there , especially
@ Macau
if they grasp the ideal idea of that doMain investment's best investment ,
then , o my God .........
update : :::::
many of the instant millionnaires n[and] sudden-billionnaires from-the-mainland-of-China 'r
even much wealthier than ye my dear Sir Frank ;--^),
these Chineses 'r interrested especially expecially to show off in front o'[of]
Americans or Europeans or Japanneses e.t.c. ,
because ,
as a matter of the fact + history ,
every Chinese knows it really very clearly :
they have been being bullied by
Americans or Europeans or Japanneses e.t.c. ,
so ,
when they have 'the money ,
they'd like2show something back ,
Monday, 25 June 2007
2BR Apartment In SoHo[[that-real-place-in-NYC]] for $100k? What a Ripoff! @TropicalSEO

2BR Apartment In SoHo for $100k? What a Ripoff!
June 21st, 2007 Domaining
I find these sorts of posts to be mind-boggling. I think we’re in an odd time where premium domain names have shot up in value so much in such a short period of time, that even some domainers are saying “Can they possibly go any higher?” $1,000,000 - Nope, Wow, nice name. But I have a gut feeling, crickets will chirp. I think it is worth it but this is the wrong place to auction it off. $1,000,000 - Nope, Do old people use computers? I think this one is too high. $500,000 - Nope, Where is Marvel? Someone should broker this sale.
Premium, 1st-tier vertical domains are like Manhattan real estate.
They aren’t going to lose value year-over-year.
God ain’t making Manhattan any bigger and He sure ain’t making a second
In 2009 these prices will seem laughably cheap, just like NYC real estate prices in the ’80s now seem.
Considering domainers as of yet haven’t grokked the synergy between SEO and, it’s not surprising that much of the perceived value remains hidden.
Now who wants to give me 12M in funding to start a hedge fund?
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Don't forget to subscribe to the Tropical SEO feed!
#2 admin on 06.21.07 at 8:51 pm
> Is the SEO benefit that great, compared to buying a brandable and doing $999,994 on SEO/promotion?
If you have a $3M total budget
— hells yes, I would rather have + 2M to spend
— then[[than]] + 3M to spend.
It’s not just the typein.
It’s not just the “direct” keyword synergy.
the links you get for seeming more legitimate,
the branding benefits,
the increased likelihood of offline citations.
If you have little startup capital, the costs of domains seem ridiculous.
If you’re well-financed and going for a major play,
they seem pretty cheap.
[[[[[[[[[ 'the edittor notes : :::::
My Dear Sir TropicalSeo does always b[be] prepared2say the sweet things 4[for] domainers ,
e.g. ,
Domain Names Have Become True Commodities @PalatnikFactor
Online Marketing, Social Media, SEM, SEO, Advertising, Branding, News, & More
Domain Names Have Become True Commodities
Published by Pablo Palatnik at 12:13 am under Industry News
If you’re a domain name freak like myself, every time you think of a domain name, you run to the computer for a quick purchase. Business idea, Domain Name. Website Idea, Domain Name.
Here is the thing, the process is becoming longer and longer every time. Domain names have become true commodities, and perhaps have always been. I’m building quite a nice domain portfolio but on average spend about 25 minutes until I find what I was looking for (which now never happens), but at least close to it (and maybe not even that anymore). The time has come where I actively seek the registered entity or person and haunt them down for an offer.
SEO wise, this is also becoming more and more of an issue in terms of keywords in your domain,
and also age plays a part.
Domain names are really important although never really touched upon anywhere.
Let’s look at some things it can affect.
*Potential Organic Results
*Display URL CTR in PPC Campaigns
*Potential Future Value of Website or Name Itself
If you like to buy stocks, think about starting your own domain portfolio,
which I also consider it to be like buying property which it really is.
If you have a good domain name, hold on to it until you get a good offer.
A .com is a .com, wont be replaced by a .net, .info, whatever.
the later the dearer , the 4years price trend stats @Conceptualist
the later the dearer[more-expensiver] , u'r the chooser ,
but ,
b[be] prepared 2b[to-be] held 2b[to-be] responsible for your own choice
One who maintains the theory of conceptualism
Double Your Pleasure With Double Valuation
Published June 23, 2007 in Domain Names.
Moniker’s auction at Targeted Traffic NYC was a huge success. Allot of people, allot of activity. While 10.9M is a small number in Wall Street what’s important to note is the growth numbers.
Here are some numbers from selected TRAFFIC auctions in the last few years.
Traffic East Delray Beach 2004 - total est. 50k-60k
Traffic East Delray Beach 2005 - total est. 400k-450k
Traffic west Las Vegas 2006 - 2.1m
Traffic East Florida 2006 - 5.3m
Traffic NYC 07 - 10.9m
The numbers on some of the domains that were sold were simply mind boggling. While I believe the domains are worth it, these prices are what we are used to see from end user numbers, now selling to speculators. It makes me feel good as it gives added liquidity to the domain market, and as many have told me after the auction, it makes them feel as their portfolio valuation is now at least double as before the auction.
For a long time Rick Schwartz has said if someone wants to buy for X, ask WHY? In the past when selling a domain or a portfolio, industry buyers were buying primary based on X (rev). Today it is totally immature to sell based on X and not consider the resale value of these domains, as resale prices are quickly becoming many times over the traditional 6x-10x buyers enjoyed in last few years.
This of course isn’t the end, but the beginning. While today you have that extra power in your hands of resale value data, we are still missing many other aspects domains have, such as SEO benefits, development benefits, brand recall benefits, and other characteristics similar to real properties that apply to our domain names.
To those who have waited patiently, to those who believed, Kudos!